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Jeff talked about how the Perrin Technique and MECFS Clinic MN have helped him find joy and happiness again.

October 17, 2023.  Jeff B.

The Perrin Technique has changed Emily's life from being moderately sick to now able to begin exercising and eliminating her tethered cord symptoms that she no longer needs another back surgery.

December 18, 2023.  Emily


Other Patients' and Families' Testimonials:


"The MECFS Clinic MN has brought so much hope to those in MN and the surrounding communities.  Through my non-profit I speak with many people with MECFS that need help but cannot afford health care or travel the distance required for an appointment so they sit alone, suffering with MECFS without any hope for a better quality of life.  For them, the Clinic has given them long lost hope and has resulted in improving the quality of their lives.

As a patient myself, I have found the Clinic to be an invaluable medical game changer for my healthcare for ME/CFS.  It's provided a way for me to obtain critical, quality care for me ME/CFS.  Dr. Tam is like no other doctor I've met.  She truly listens, cares and knowledgeably provides options for my specific ME/CFS symptoms.  There's no cookie cutter approach with Dr. Tam.  We are each individuals that receive individual care for our specific needs.  She practices with such unbridled compassion and kindness -  definitely a one of a kind top notch medical professional!"

June 23, 2023.  Lisa A.


"Dr. Tam has been a total Godsend in my daughter's ME/CFS treatment. I've taken her to 5 different states and was lucky enough to find Dr. Tam in MN. We live in SD and without this free clinic I'm not sure what I would do. Being a single Mom with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia myself it's been so difficult try to help my 13 yr old daughter. My daughter has been suffering for over 5 years. Dr. Tam has helped my daughter have a life beyond her bedroom, where she spends the majority of her time. She is now able to leave the house once a week for counseling and once a week for a short outing most weeks. Finding a Dr that actually understands ME/CFS in SD was not an option. Having the opportunity to be seen virtually by Dr. Tam is saving energy for my daughter and helps this single Mom on disability. Thanks so very much for helping this nonprofit! As I mentioned before, without your help and Dr. Tam's help we would be utterly lost!"

July 3, 2023.  Mother of an anonymous patient


"Dr. Ruby Tam is the first Doctor I've worked with that understands ME/CFS. That alone makes a huge difference. She believes me, asks good questions, and utilizes her medical expertise to put me on a path of recovery. She's attentive, responsive and compassionate. Dr. Tam doesn't claim to have a cure but she gives me hope that I will begin to improve and for that I am grateful."

July 3, 2023.  Anonymous patient


"I have experienced various degree of feeling fatigue and insufficient to manage life for years especially recent a few years. It is challenging to find a doctor who will not just see me for 15 or 20 minutes and give me pills to take, which I don’t believe can solve my fatigue. Having a high deductible health plan also is a challenge due to financial  [sic] out of pocket cost. Dr. Tam offered me holistic [sic] approach to my fatigue with helpful recommendations and insightful guidance, as well as no burden on me financially. Dr. Tam is very generous in giving her time and offering wise and helpful counsel. With her help, my sleep and fatigue are gradually improving. Even though I have a long way to go to make continuous and lasting improvement, I am encouraged and hopeful. Thank you Dr. Tam so much!"

July 4, 2023.  Anonymous patient


"You're (Dr. Tam) amazing, by the way. So much compassion, care and understanding. I've never worked with a dr [sic] where I felt truly safe and not anxious, high-alert, and guarded, except for you. Truly a gift. Cannot overstate what a blessing you are and how much you are appreciated."

July 14, 2023.  Anonymous patient


"Before I had COVID, I was an avid runner, worked a fast-paced job, and was busy with my three young kids...  But for the first time in my life, I didn't recover from this virus.  Once the cough and fever went away, I got worse in other ways: I got weak and forgetful.  I had to stop working, and stay with my parents; I couldn't handle the sounds and activities...  I ate meals fast, so I could lay back down after the effort of sitting up to chew my food.  My sentences trailed off in confusion.  I feared I might die, and had mostly lost hope.  My PCP had no idea how to help me.


After the first six weeks of [the Perrin] treatment at ME/CFS Clinic, I have been able to return home with my wife and kids.  [I can] do mom things like braid my daughter's hair... reading bedtime stories.  I've been able to be outside...  I can talk without effort or losing my train of thought.  Dr. Tam is helping me plan my return to work now...


I'm getting my life back!  I know I still have a fair distance to go before I get back to a "normal" life, but I am confident that with support guidance from Dr. Tam, I will get there.  She explained everything so well up front, and the process has gone just as she said it would.  I know this treatment is a commitment and it's so worth the effort.  Honestly, I'm still in awe that I'm actually recovering.  Thank you to everyone who has made this clinic possible.  My family and I are so grateful."

August 5, 2023.  Anonymous patient


"I want to thank you (Dr. Tam) for working with me.  You are a skilled, kind and committed doctor, and an amazing person!!!  The MECFS community in Minneapolis is very lucky to have you and your new clinic.  Thanks again for everything."

September 25, 2023.  Anonymous patient


"There is no clinic in existence like this clinic! Dr. Tam is truly a specialist in this area and working with her has changed so many lives for the better, including mine. When you have CFS, it is almost impossible to find a doctor who understands and knows how to address this very complex and multifaceted illness. And it’s even harder to find a doctor fitting that criteria who is in your insurance network. Dr. Tam cares, and she really takes the time to listen to her patients. She is very professional and yet so down-to-earth and relatable. She does a thorough intake assessment and gives 100% to her patients from a holistic approach. Words cannot express how much working with Dr. Tam has made life worth living.  I have had CFS/ME since 1994 and this is the first time I can say that I have the support of a specialist who understands my illness and my quality of life has improved to the point where I’m living a “normal” existence again. CFS/ME is an ongoing condition that impacts every area of life, but this clinic makes living with CFS/ME manageable and affordable. Dr. Tam also educates other providers on CFS/ME and Fibromyalgia, which is much needed. She is a national treasure and must continue being supported doing this necessary work. With Long Covid and chronic illnesses becoming exponentially more prevalent, the work of this clinic is needed more than ever."

November 1, 2023.  Helen H. of Saint Paul, MN


"I am pleased to share that my SSDI hearing, originally scheduled for this week, has been canceled as the judge has opted to render a fully favorable decision on the record, negating the need for a hearing. Additionally, my student loan TPD discharge application, pursued independently of the SSDI decision, has been approved.


I extend my sincere gratitude for the exceptional support you (Dr. Tam) provided through the detailed and timely completion of the forms for both SSDI and TDP discharge. Your meticulous approach played a pivotal role in achieving these positive outcomes, relieving an enormous amount of stress and providing me with the resources to focus on my health and recovery.
These developments have allowed me to embrace small improvements in my health without the burden of these concerns hanging over me. Your unwavering support has been a beacon of hope, and I am truly grateful for the expertise and care you’ve provided. Thank you for making a meaningful impact on my journey and that of other ME/CFS patients toward better health.

December 13, 2023.  Anonymous patient


"Thank you for your (Dr. Tam's) time! I wish for you as many blessings as you give to others. Sending magic sparkles for your holiday and holding you in my heart."

December 16, 2023.  Anonymous patient


"Thank you for responding! I want to take a moment to just gush at you for what you’re doing. I just heard of your clinic today and was floored. A specialist in the field is one thing, but someone dedicated to offering care AND not for profit?? I feel like I just saw a unicorn in the wild! Thank you so much for caring. For affirming! It is greatly appreciated."

May 14, 2024.  Anonymous from South Carolina


"... I asked for my birthday present this year to be an unrestricted donation to your clinic.  I think it is good timing because it was a year ago in June that you diagnosed me [with ME/CFS].  I remember that month we had a heat wave and I could barely stand up long enough to cook my lunch.  I was absolutely exhausted after the long diagnosis appointment.  And look at me now!  The diagnosis alone was helpful as my google research became much more efficient and your  [Perrin] treatments have really cleared that brain fog and allowed me to do so much more.  I can do more than one thing each day without even questioning it.  I can sit at a cafe, talk to friends, go on short walks.  You've given me my life back.  So very close to full recovery.  And all in under a year.  You are my hero and my angel on earth.  I think if I tell you this in person I will cry."

May 12, 2024.  Anonymous patient


"I just wanted to say how grateful I am for you [Dr. Tam] taking [my husband] on as a patient.  Having you on his team has brought us both great comfort, especially during such a challenging time.  Earlier this week, I had to take time off and fly home to take care of him, but we remain hopeful.  Your care and attention have made a significant difference, and I can see [his] spirits lifting.


We are both optimistic about the future and are incredibly thankful for everything you've done... Your commitment to addressing these issues [inability to access medical providers who can treat ME/CFS nor to hire home-health aides for food preparation] is inspiring and your efforts are remarkable. We know that access to quality care, necessary treatments, and support systems can be incredibly limited or entirely out of reach for many with ME, and initiatives like yours that aim to bridge these gaps serve as lifelines for those in need... Our journey, shared with others facing similar challenges, has filled us with a deep sense of gratitude. We look forward to the day when we can do more."

June 29, 2024.  Family of an anonymous patient


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